Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Travelore Tips: How To Get The Best Deal On A Cruise

Try­ing to fig­ure out the ide­al time to buy your cruise and get the best deal is like try­ing to pre­dict a sports score: All you can do is look at the stats and make an ed­ucat­ed guess. When you book your cruise a whole host of oth­er fac­tors al­so come in­to play. For in­stance, you need to con­sid­er whether you want a pre­ferred bal­cony cab­in or are just look­ing for a bar­gain and will take any cab­in you can get (see Choos­ing a Cab­in, for more on se­lect­ing the right one for you). In oth­er words, though get­ting a deal on price is im­por­tant, it's not the on­ly con­sid­er­ation.
Nev­er­the­less, get­ting that bar­gain is of­ten on ev­ery­one's mind. Cruise prices fluc­tu­ate based on sup­ply and de­mand as well as a host of oth­er fac­tors.
Some rea­sons for high prices:
  • High-de­mand ship or route (in­clud­ing brand new ships)
  • Pop­ular sea­son, such as when kids are out of school
  • High fu­el costs
Some rea­sons for dis­count­ed prices:
  • Geopo­lit­ical is­sues
  • Shoul­der sea­son
  • Over­ca­pac­ity in a re­gion
Ear­ly-Bird Sav­ings:
Cruise lines set what they call brochure rates — the rates fea­tured in one col­umn in their glossy brochures (and some­times on­line, too). Like a ho­tel rack rate, rarely does any­one ac­tu­al­ly pay these full cruise rates (an ex­cep­tion to this rule is small, ex­pe­di­tion ships, which tend to stick to their set rate). Of­ten, you need on­ly skip to an ad­ja­cent col­umn in that cruise brochure and you'll see dis­counts, some­times pret­ty hefty ones. These are known in the in­dus­try as ear­ly-bird fares.
If you book your cruise 6 to 12 months or more in ad­vance, which is a good idea for pop­ular re­gions like Alas­ka in sum­mer, ear­ly-bird rates are what you're like­ly to pay (bar­ring any oth­er pro­mo­tions that re­duce these fares even fur­ther). Cruise lines re­ward those who plan ahead with their best prices up­front. Fares gen­er­al­ly rise as a sail­ing date draws near­er, though rates may de­cline again based on last-minute avail­abil­ity.
There are ad­van­tages to book­ing ear­ly-bird rates:
They of­ten rep­re­sent sav­ings in the range of 25% to 50%. You get first dibs on itineraries, dates, and cab­ins. You can al­so book your air and ho­tel ear­ly to as­sure avail­abil­ity (and po­ten­tial­ly low­er air­fares).
Note: If you paid an ear­ly-bird fare and the cruise line low­ers the price even more be­fore you have made fi­nal pay­ment on your cruise, you might be able to get an ad­just­ment to your rate. Some lines will do this and some won't, but it nev­er hurts to ask (or have your trav­el agent ask).
Last-Minute Deals:
About 60 to 90 days be­fore a giv­en sail­ing, cruise lines get a clear pic­ture of who's ac­tu­al­ly com­ing aboard — pas­sen­gers who paid their full fare rather than just putting down a de­posit. Some­times lines start pan­ick­ing if there's lot of space to fill on a ship. This pan­ic some­times goads them in­to of­fer­ing last-minute fares — po­ten­tial­ly rock-bot­tom prices of $499 or some­times even less for a week­long Caribbean sail­ing.
It's im­por­tant to keep in mind that in a healthy econ­omy there are few­er last-minute deals. Cruise lines know if they re­duce ev­ery­thing at the last minute no one will pay high­er ear­ly-bird prices so they lim­it their re­duc­tions, even if it means sail­ing with a few emp­ty cab­ins.
If you're wait­ing for last-minute deals, know that:
You sac­ri­fice a lot of choice in terms of ship, itinerary, and cab­in types (the cheap­est and most ex­pen­sive tend to sell out first). Get­ting a de­cent last-minute air­fare may be tough if you have to fly to your port of em­barka­tion. Last-minute cruise fares are com­plete­ly non­re­fund­able, and the full fare is due im­me­di­ate­ly up­on book­ing.
Oth­er Pro­mo­tions:
In ad­di­tion to the ear­ly-bird and last-minute price of­fer­ings, you should watch out for a big sale blitz in late Oc­to­ber and again in Jan­uary and Febru­ary (dur­ing what the cruise in­dus­try calls Wave Sea­son, when many pas­sen­gers tend to plan and book peak-pe­ri­od cruis­es). Spe­cial deals sud­den­ly ap­pear, in­clud­ing for sum­mer itineraries pop­ular with fam­ilies in the Caribbean, as the lines look to get more busi­ness on the books. Oc­to­ber is al­so when you'll start see­ing re­duced fares for any hol­iday sail­ings that aren't sell­ing.
Sales Pro­mo­tions:
  • Kids cruise free deals
  • Cab­in cat­ego­ry up­grades
  • Two-for-one fares
  • Free or dis­count­ed air­fare, shore ex­cur­sions, and/or pre- and post-cruise ho­tel stays
  • Ship­board cred­its (the equiv­alent of spend­ing mon­ey to use on­board)
  • Dis­count coupons for use on the ship
  • "Guar­an­tee" cab­ins (you pick a cat­ego­ry and if it sells out you get an au­to­mat­ic up­grade)
But be care­ful when con­sid­er­ing all of the above. An of­fer of a coupon book­let with sav­ings of up to $300 is on­ly good if the coupons ap­ply to you. Will you ac­tu­al­ly be us­ing the spa dis­count? And that guar­an­tee cab­in doesn't al­low you to pick your spe­cif­ic state­room, so you could get stuck in a less-than-de­sir­able lo­ca­tion on your ship. When as­sess­ing the deals do price com­par­isons. For ex­am­ple, it's not un­known for lines to hike fares and then put out an up­grade of­fer.
More Ways to Save:
If you can't com­mit to book­ing your cruise at a spe­cif­ic time, you can still take ad­van­tage of some dis­counts that will help you save mon­ey. The time of year you cruise, for ex­am­ple, can al­so low­er the price tag. Shoul­der pe­ri­ods are those weeks be­fore or af­ter the high sea­son for a giv­en sail­ing re­gion. Cruis­ing dur­ing these weeks is of­ten slight­ly cheap­er for a bunch of rea­sons, such as the weath­er may be a lit­tle cool­er or rainier, or the kids may not be out of school yet so few­er fam­ilies are on­board. A plus of book­ing shoul­der sea­son cruis­es is that air­fares al­so tend to be cheap­er dur­ing these pe­ri­ods.
Shoul­der sea­son pe­ri­ods in­clude:
Eu­rope: Mid-March and April, Septem­ber to De­cem­ber
Alas­ka: May and Septem­ber
Bermu­da: April and Oc­to­ber
Caribbean: a year-round des­ti­na­tion, there are slow pe­ri­ods when fares are typ­ical­ly low­er too, most no­tably Septem­ber (af­ter the kids go back to school) and Oc­to­ber, the non-hol­iday weeks in Novem­ber and De­cem­ber, and the post-hol­iday pe­ri­od from Jan­uary to Pres­ident's Day in Febru­ary. Of­ten there are deals as well right af­ter Spring Break in April. Be aware that hur­ri­canes can wreak hav­oc with Caribbean cruise itineraries in both sum­mer and fall, so that cheap cruise might come with some ad­di­tion­al risk.
Ad­di­tion­al dis­counts:
There are stan­dard dis­counts you can pret­ty much count on be­ing of­fered by most lines, but it's up to you to ask for them.
Se­nior dis­counts. If you're 55 or old­er, some lines will take 5% off the top on se­lect sail­ings. If you are a mem­ber of AARP (tel. 888/687-2277), you may be able to snag ad­di­tion­al sav­ings.
Mil­itary dis­counts. Cruise lines pe­ri­od­ical­ly of­fer sav­ings for ac­tive or re­tired mil­itary per­son­nel.
Re­peat pas­sen­ger. If you've cruised be­fore you may be able to get 5% to 10% off as a re­peat cruis­er with a par­tic­ular cruise line (see Cruise Line Loy­al­ty Pro­grams).
3rd and 4th pas­sen­ger. Cruise prices are based on two peo­ple shar­ing a cab­in. If there is a third or fourth per­son in your cab­in their fare will typ­ical­ly be 30% to 60% off the dou­ble oc­cu­pan­cy rate.
Other Tips:
Be flex­ible with your dates when­ev­er pos­si­ble. Dis­counts may vary by cruise and you may be able to save by book­ing a cruise a week ear­li­er or a week lat­er than you planned. Oth­er lit­tle nu­ances: One-way cruis­es tend to be cheap­er than round-trip ones, and repo­si­tion­ing cruis­es (when a ship changes mar­kets) al­so have low per diems.
Putting Down a De­posit:
No mat­ter when you choose to book your va­ca­tion, once you find your ide­al cruise you'll have to put down a de­posit — typ­ical­ly $200 to $350 per pas­sen­ger for a week­long cruise booked well in ad­vance — to lock in the cab­in and price. The re­main­ing bal­ance is due 60 to 90 days (de­pend­ing on the line) be­fore you set sail. Make sure you care­ful­ly re­view can­cel­la­tion poli­cies be­fore sign­ing on the dot­ted line. In some cas­es you may be able to get most of your mon­ey back if you have to can­cel, but on­ly if you do so well in ad­vance. When you get to 30 days be­fore the trip, the re­fund drops to 50%; with­in a week, it's your loss un­less you have trav­el in­sur­ance.
Contributed by Fran Golden, Cruise expert.

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