Sunday, September 29, 2024

Travelore News: A New Country Is About To Be Created And It’s Going To Be The World’s Smallest

Ever heard of the ‘Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order’?
The Bektashi Order has been headquartered in Albania since the 1930s (Picture: Getty)

You most likely haven’t, at least not yet. But if all goes to plan, it will soon become the world’s smallest microstate — a Muslim version of the Vatican City (but just a quarter of its size).

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama plans to transform Tirana’s Sufi Bektashi Muslims into a sovereign state to promote ‘moderation, tolerance and peaceful co-existence’.

The 10-hectare patch of land in Albania’s capital will have its own passport, borders, and administration governing religious issues, without Tirana’s involvement.

Albania is roughly 50% Muslim, but just 10% of that population are part of the Bektashi Order. Bektashi Muslims are the fourth largest religious community in Albania, after Sunni Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

Reflecting the Order’s tolerant Islamic practices, the microstate would permit alcohol and allow everyone to wear what they want.

Speaking at the United Nations, Rama noted that his tiny Balkan nation of 2.8million sheltered Jewish refugees from the Nazis during World War II and gave asylum to Afghans after the Taliban took power in 2021.
The Vatican-like city state would be in Tirana (Picture: Wikimedia)

What is the Bektashi Order?

The Bektashi Order is a mystic Muslim order founded in the Ottoman Empire (modern day Turkey) in the 13th century. It’s an offshoot of Sufism, a branch of Islam that focuses on spirituality and direct connection with God.

Bektashis are regarded as tolerant, accepting of other religions and philosophies.

The Bektashi Order has been headquartered in Albania since the 1930s after it was banned in Turkey. Estimates vary, but today there are said to be between 7 and 20 million Bektashis around the world.
Haji Edmond Brahimaj Mondi is the leader of the Bektashi Muslims (Picture: Godong)

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama said the goal of the new microstate was to promote the ethos of religious tolerance Albania prides itself on.

The country is proud of its link to Mother Teresa, whose family was of Albanian descent.

The Order praised the plan, saying: ‘Such a historic step aims at recognizing the Beltashi Order as a sovereign, self-governing state, committed to supporting its century-old culture of moderation and spiritual involvement.

‘The new state will aim at nothing but the spiritual leadership.’

How would the proposed microstate work?

If the plans for a Bektashi microstate go ahead, it’s likely that it will be ruled theocratically, similar to the system in the Vatican — the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican is headed up by the Pope, who leads both state and government.

In Albania, the Bektashi microstate would likely be led by the leader of the Bektashis, Haji Edmond Brahimaj Mondi, known as Baba Mondi.

Citizenship of the state will be limited to members of the clergy and people working in the administration, Barron’s reports.
Edi Rama announced the plans this month (Picture: AP)

Baba Mondi said of the proposed microstate: ‘For our followers, this isn’t about political power or land acquisition; it’s about solidifying the Bektashi Order’s mission of spiritual moderation and protecting our religious practices.

‘Albania has historically been a beacon of religious coexistence, and this step is a testament to the forward-thinking nature of the Albanian government under visionary leadership of Prime Minister Edi Rama, who recognized the importance of granting us the space to continue promoting peace.

‘For our community worldwide, it is a moment of pride and renewal, strengthening our identity and presence on the global stage.’

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